An Open letter to Christian artists! Join the culture war – be soldiers for Christ! Your art is a weapon – use it!
It is often said, and I believe to be true, that a picture can speak a thousand words; anyone who has ever read Tolkien's Lord of the Rings - will know the great lengths he went to in his attempt to describe the lush textures and the feel of the world he was trying to...
Discourse on the Epicurean Religion of Our Age and the Christian Response!
Christians in the west, like it or not, live in a post-Christian age. We are like the 'son' in the famous poem by Rudyard Kipling, about to "...bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools or watch the things you gave your life to,...
Four Ingredients for a Growing Religious Movement: Christians, Take Note; We Can Turn This Around!
This article builds on the last (see my previous blog) as it's worth sitting on this topic and allowing it to resonate at a deeper level. It is a timely point, as well, as we in the UK are going to be in for a big shock when the results of the last national census are...
The Problems are Sociological – the Solutions are Sociological, Also!
It is doubtful that any Western/Latin Christian is going to deny that our little part of the world is seeing the Church slowly erode. Much clamour is made about the bad, or at least the lack of good, teaching in the Church as the cause of the problem. Certainly, this...
Reaching Men: The Missing Demographic and a Masculine Spirituality Where are all the men? More importantly - why are they not interested in Christianity? The stats, brothers and sisters, speak for themselves. Across all denominations a recent YouGov poll of 7k adults showed that only 4.4%...
How do we Take Back Christian Institutions; How do we Take Back the Church of England?
We have written in passing about the "shepherding heights" of education, religion, family, business, government/military/policing, arts/entertainment, and media. What I mean by this phrase 'shepherding heights' is that from these positions of power, influence, and...
If You’re Going to have a “Club” Church – Make it a Good One!
Certainly, within my lifetime, I will not see the end of "club" churches. While they are adding to the collapse of Christianity in the West - primarily because most "club" churches are just awful, I am confident that their days are numbered. So, I thought I would...
Reflections on Lent; For Nepsis and Against Acedia.
I remember once in my place of work that, as Ramadan came around, my work colleagues were conscientious to a fault to demonstrate both their care for Muslim colleagues who were fasting and to note how impressed they were at the practice. That same year, those same...
The Postmodern Opportunity for the Church; If We are Brave Enough to Take It! Let us begin by defining the term postmodernity. Clearly, as the word suggests, it is 'after modernity' and so its definition is a contrast to what came before. So,...
What is the True Measure of a Man? The Point of Life; a Christian Perspective
Recently, I was invited to a five-star hotel to meet with someone who wanted to talk about more than the latest football results. He was more interested in the stock markets; hence the five-star hotel reception. I entered into what could only be described as your...