A Post-Christian UK and a Call to a New Christendom!
We are about to make it official – the UK is a post Christian society
Navigating the Differences an Ecumenical Christian Approach
I believe in one holy, catholic, and apostolic Church! This statement has nothing to do with any denomination or sect. Rather, I am referring to the whole body of Christ, the people of GOD, the 'Jesus movement' (what a horrible term) as a whole, the full collection of...
Seven Christian Disciplines of the Spiritual Life
Disciplines help you form your inner being The title should give something away. It's 'seven disciplines,' not 'the seven disciplines,' and not 'seven suggestions;' as this is neither a full list of disciplines nor are these merely options for the Christian. However,...
Finding your Vocation; Thoughts and Reflections
One of the most consistent images in Christ's teachings is that of the faithful servant, one who is going about his duties when our Lord returns. Therefore, the question of vocation (known as 'calling' in some circles) is something pressing upon the good Christian...
A Reflection on the Incarnation According to Luke
Her Majesty the Queen of England and head of the Church in England spoke of the symbolism of light in her 2020 Christmas message. This year bodies celestial have conspired to put on a display for the world to see that, by the naked eye, planets Jupiter and Saturn...
Reflections For Advent; Examine Yourself To See If You Remain In The Faith
Christians are instructed by Apostolic teaching to 'examine themselves to see if you remain in the faith.' However, how does one go about doing this; how does one examine themselves? You could adopt any of the teachings of the great saints, like the 'examine' of...
The Church in the West and the Benedict Option Model
Undeniably, there is a massive rate of apostasy in the west, and many are asking why. There is no single answer. Many Christian thinkers put the issue on weak teaching, others and poor discipleship. Sadly, others are persuaded that Christianity needs an update; adapt...
How to Christianise your Church
Liberalism is a cancer in the Body of Christ I can hear you say, "Christianise your Church... what? That does not even make sense; Church is, by definition, Christian." I hear your protest and, believe me, I sympathise. However, give me a few minutes of your time and...
The Church and Religious Plurality
Christians! Let me ask you a question. How committed you are to ending religious plurality in our society? On a scale of one-ten, how do you feel about a) answering the question, and b) saying that your commitment is total? Think about it for a second; a multi-ethnic...
A Litany of Liberal Progressive Hypocrisy
A Litany of Liberal Progressive Hypocrisy! The point of this article is to show that the Liberal Progressive culture and militants are, through and through, riddled with double standards, hypocrisies, and blind spots. I am not writing this to stroke anyone's ego, help...